Saturday, June 21, 2008

Trexx meets JBBK and Doodle and Deedle Bug

Trexx and Blue Bunny meet JBBK and her son, visiting letterboxers driving through from Indiana to New York! We felt honored that they stopped long enough to meet up with us Northern Ohio boxers (Travel'n Turtle, Doodle and Deedle Bug and Laney Bug).

To the right is Doodle and Deedle Bug. Doodle holding Blue Bunny and Deedle holding Trexx in a manly football grip!

JBBK was thrilled to meet both boxing buddies as well as her son pictured with Laney Bug. Also present has her daughter who wasn't as thrilled about us boxers. :o)

Something is Different about Blue Bunny

We can't quite put our finger on it, but it seems that Blue Bunny has been having a bad allergic reaction to Butter Cups.

Can you figure out what her problem is?

Friday, June 20, 2008

A beautiful day in Grafton, Ohio

Trexx, Blue Bunny and Bumbles are joined by Kermit the Hermit Crab home for a short rest. He has since left home for another host!

The buddies are on the trail searching for Old Stomping Grounds. A lovely park and stamp!

Trexx takes the buddies on a Ohio adventure

Trexx takes Blue Bunny and Bumbles on a Northern Ohio adventure letterboxing. They saw beautiful scenery and braved poison ivy.

Laney Bug has finally decided putting ink on stamps can be fun and is enjoying stamping in for Blue Bunny.
From Grafton, to Parma, to Willowick and Newbury, the boxers hit all the exciting boxing trails.